


SIAYA:Thursday, 10th November, 2022
The County Assembly’s Committee on Appointments Chaired by House Speaker Hon. George Okode has today commenced the vetting of Governor James Orengo’s nominees to the County Executive Committee.
The County Assembly is required to conduct approval hearings of the nominees to ascertain their suitability for the positions proposed.
The 2-day exercise will run from today Thursday, 10th November, 2022 to Friday 11th November, 2022 at the County Assembly Chambers.
First to appear before the Committee this morning was CS Agunda Ochanda, the CECM nominee to the Department of Governance and Administration.
If approved, he averred that he will ensure periodic human resource audits to get rid of any ghost workers in the county work force and set up internal controls to provide standard operating procedures .
The nominee further underscored his commitment to actualize the operationalisation of the village administrative units.
Currently, the Committee is conducting the approval hearings for Benedict Abonyo Omollo who has been nominated to head the Finance and Economic Planning Department.
Also expected to appear before the committee today is Dr. Martin Odhiambo K’onyango – the nominee for Health; Dr. Caroline Onyango – the nominee for Water, Sanitation, Environment,Climate Change and Natural Resources and George Odhiambo Nying’iro, the nominee for Public Works, Roads, Energy and Transport.
The ongoing approval hearings are in line with Article 179(2)(b) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, read together with Section 35 of the County Governments Act, 2012, and Standing Order 195(4), of the Siaya County Assembly Standing Orders.

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