
Siaya County Assembly holds public hearing meetings on the BBI(Constitutional Amendment) Bill, 2020


In compliance with Article 196 (1) (b) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 read together with Section 87 of the County Governments Act, 2012, and Standing Order No. 129(3), the County Assembly’s Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs yesterday held public hearing meetings on the BBI (Constitutional Amendment) Bill, 2020 in all the 6 sub-counties (Alego Usonga, Gem, Bondo, Rarieda, Ugunja and Ugenya)

The public appreciated the effort of the County Assembly of Siaya for engaging them in getting their views. They pronounced the Bill as a well timed document that highlights the need to strengthen devolution, settle electoral disputes, formation of an Electoral College for PWDs, tax holiday for the youth and also addresses other issues affecting youths and women. They urged the Members of the County Assembly to unanimously approve the Bill for consideration.

The Committee is expected to table its report during a Special Sitting of the County Assembly to be held today, Wednesday, 3rd February, 2020.


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