
Directorate of Human Resource (HR) and Administration of the County Assembly comprises of Payroll, Human Resource and Administration and Works department. It is a critical component of employee well-being in any institution. It’s headed by Director Human Resource and Administration (DHRA), in coordination with the Head of Human Resource, Head of Administration Functions and Head of Works and Maintenance.

Payroll being one section of the Human Resource & Administration department deals with personnel remuneration, statutory deduction and other staff benefits. We work closely with the office of the County Assembly Clerk and Integrated Payroll Personnel Database (IPPD) Administrators from the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs- State Department of Public Service and Youth.

The department has a workforce of 16 staff under Human Resource and 8 staff under Works and Maintenance.  The department strives to align the workforce with the Assembly mission and be an excellent contributor to the Assembly Oversight, Legislative and Representation role.

Departmental general objectives

The development of objectives and guidance is the first and the most critical step in the targeting cycle. Human Resource departmental objectives were derived from the County Assembly of Siaya Strategic Plan 2018 to 2022,  as listed below:-

  1. To establish robust Organizational Structure
  2. To Enhance Capacity building of the Assembly staff
  3. To ensure Quality Performance and Service Delivery
  4. To Create a dynamic, collaborative and open minded work environment