County Assembly Privileges, Procedure and Rules Committee

The Committee;

  • Shall consider and report on all matters relating to the Assembly Standing Orders.
  • May propose amendments to the Standing Orders and any such amendments shall upon approval by the County Assembly; take effect at the time appointed by the County Assembly.
  • May propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of committee business and any such rules, shall upon approval by the County Assembly, continue in force until amended or repealed by the County Assembly.
  • Shall regulate its own meetings and its own procedure.
  • Shall, either on its own motion or as a result of a complaint made by any person, enquire into any alleged breach of the Assembly code of conduct or any conduct of any member within the Precincts of the Assembly (Other than the Chamber) which is likely to reflect adversely on the dignity or integrity of the assembly or any member thereof.
  • Shall inquire into any breach of privileges of the assembly and its members as provided for under the Kenyan National Assembly (Powers and privileges) Act, Cap 6 Laws of Kenya.
  • Shall, after inquiry as referred to above, report its findings to the Assembly together with its recommendations.


  1. Hon. George Okode              -Chairperson
  2. Hon. Emily Agnes Awita     -Vice Chairperson
  3. Hon. Julie Okello                         -Member
  4. Hon. Mark Okeyo                        -Member
  5. Hon. Susan Okwirry                   -Member
  6. Hon. David Ragen                       -Member
  7. Hon. AndericusOdongo             -Member