SIAYA, 22nd November, 2022
The House, under the leadership of Speaker George Okode, has approved the Siaya County Supplementary Budget, 2022/2023 which was submitted by the County Treasury to the County Assembly for consideration and approval in line with the provisions of Section 135(2) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012.
According to the approved supplementary estimates, the County Treasury has proposed a growth of the overall County resource envelope by Ksh 120 million from Ksh 8,815,939,414 to Ksh 8,935,939,414. This progression was caused by enhanced Own Source Revenue projections from Ksh 580,998,234 to Ksh 700,998,234.
In a report laid on the Floor of the House by Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairperson, Hon. Sylvester Madialo, the House noted that the main objective of the supplementary budget was to incorporate some of the priority programmes and projects in the Governor’s Nyalore manifesto and to enhance allocation to critical operational items such as recruitment of key staffs and purchase of health commodities.
Some of the immediate needs that the Supplementary Budget seeks to address include the purchase of certified seeds and fertilizers at Ksh 120 million; purchase of 10 tractors at Ksh 31,089,078; purchase of medical drugs at Ksh 85 million; dressing and non-pharmaceuticals at Ksh 18 million; purchase of 2 ambulances at Ksh 20 million; Design for health complex at Bondo and Siaya at Ksh 10 million; Refrigeration at Siaya referral morgue-(48 body capacity refrigeration machine) at Ksh 50 million; Construction of surgical theatre at Siaya Referral at Ksh 68,194,808; Land use plan for Bondo Municipality at Ksh 17.9 million; Land use plan for Ugunja Municipality at Ksh 15 million; Grading, culverting and graveling of Uludhi -Sirembe – Kodiaga road (9.4km) in North Alego/North Gem Wards at Ksh 14 million; and Proposed grading, graveling and culverting of Marenyo – Musudhudhu – Sinaga – Barkalare Road( 7.8km) in East Gem/Yala Township at Ksh 9 million.
In approving the 2022/2023 Supplementary Programme Based Budget, the House has recommended that the County Treasury should prioritize settling of genuine and verified pending bills before any new budgetary items are charged.
Finally, as a step towards the affirmative action and guided by Section 5(2) of the Siaya County Equitable Development Bill, 2018, the House has recommended that Ksh 20 million be allocated towards development projects with specific interest on the Youth; Women; and the PWDs, at Ksh 6.6 million per group.