SIAYA, Friday 29th December, 2023
Governor James Orengo has this morning delivered his inaugural State of the County Address before a Special Sitting of the County Assembly of Siaya.
The Governor was fulfilling his obligation pursuant to Section 30 (2)(k) of the County Governments Act, 2012 and Standing Order 19 of the County Assembly of Siaya Standing Orders which empowers him to perform such a function.
Once every year, the Governor is expected to report, in an address to the County, on all the measures taken and the progress achieved in the implementation of the County policies and plans.
Upon arrival, the Governor was received by Assembly leadership led by the Deputy Speaker Andericus Oduor Odongo, Majority Leader Edwin Martin Otieno among others.
The Governor used the occasion to reaffirm his unwavering commitment to deliver on his Nyalore Manifesto.