Thursday,26th September, 2024.
House Speaker Hon. George Okode together with a host of Members of the County Assembly earlier today joined First Lady Mama Betty Orengo during the official opening of the Madiany Sub-County Hospital Maternity Theatre.
The maternity theatre is projected to have a meaningful impact in the broader Rarieda Sub-County as it will help avert child mortality rate by ensuring safe motherhood and childcare.
Madiany Sub-County Medical Superintendent Dr. Josephine Nyasoro stated that opening of the maternity theatre will help handle the over 50 emergency cases that are normally referred to Bondo Sub-County hospital.
She further highlighted the need to increase the bed capacity from 50 to 150, support the hospital laboratory and pharmacy, install and service the x-ray machine, build a perimeter wall and gate as some of the priority areas that needed partnership to help enhance services.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Speaker Okode was quick to observe that the opening of the maternity theatre will enhance primary healthcare and address the challenges of maternal mortality.
Noting that public health is a major pillar in Governor Orengo’s Nyalore manifesto, First Lady Mama Betty Orengo reiterated that opening of the theatre was in line with the county government’s efforts to ensure that all the Sub-County hospitals within Siaya have proper maternity theatres.
The First Lady divulged that the facility will have an operational X-Ray machine in a fortnight and that the county government had procured 2 ambulances which will be stationed at the facility in two months.
In their speeches, MCAs of the wards bordering Madiany Sub-County Hospital jointly committed to address the water challenge facing the area by ensuring that two boreholes are dug and a reservoir tank is built.